Test Your Azure Function Http Trigger Authorization Levels

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If you are using HTTP trigger bindings and are relying on keys to secure them using AuthorizationLevel.Function, you might want a way verify that you haven’t accidentally left one of them exposed as AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous.

With a bit of reflection you can accomplish this in a unit test (I’m using the excellent xUnit and FluentAssertions here):

 2public void AllHttpTriggerFunctions_MustHaveFunctionSecurity()
 4    // Get the assembly containing the Azure Functions
 5    var types = typeof(Startup).Assembly.GetTypes();
 7    // Find all the HttpTriggerAttributes associated to any method in any of the types
 8    // in the assembly
 9    var httpTriggerAttributes = types
10      .SelectMany(t => t
11        .GetMethods()
12          .Select(m => m.GetParameters()
13            .Select(p => p.GetCustomAttribute<HttpTriggerAttribute>()).FirstOrDefault()))
14      .Where(p => p != null)
15      .ToList();
17    httpTriggerAttributes.Should().NotBeEmpty();
19    foreach (var httpTrigger in httpTriggerAttributes)
20    {
21        httpTrigger.AuthLevel.Should().Be(AuthorizationLevel.Function);
22    }

That’s it. Now it’s even harder to make a mistake, which is a good thing.